It’s been an odd couple of months, right?
There were no beach walks, pedicures or hanging with friends. The neighborhood kids studied at home, and new graduates tossed their tassels only via video streams. Easter and Passover rituals were shared using Zoom.
And yet, I’m grateful. Grateful to live in a place where people help their neighbors. Where clever, caring people find solutions to difficult problems during a deadly pandemic. Where health care workers and first responders go to work each day — even in the face of danger and anger. Where local governments work hard and wisely to keep our cities and towns operating and informed.
I’m grateful for all of the people who work as part of our Coastal Star operation. These are difficult times for newspapers. Our team has adapted to a changing environment with skill and grace. All are committed to bringing news and information to this community.
In the pages of this combined May/June edition you’ll find many examples of why I’m grateful.
There are the readers who donated to help local businesses and nonprofits, there are those who offered their support for community journalism, and the condos, clubs and organizations that stepped up to pay tribute to first responders and health care professionals and to celebrate the beauty and strength of our community.
Although businesses in our area are beginning to reopen, we expect the local economy to stay sluggish through the summer. So, our plan is to publish again the weekend of July 4 and again just before Labor Day. Altering our frequency enables us to continue publishing. We hope to be monthly again in the fall.
In the meantime, be sure to join our website ( It’s a members-only site to assure a safe online experience. You’ll find our calendars (including summer camps) there again this month; and as news important to our local community happens, we’ll do our best to post stories and email you the latest news updates.
In the midst of a deadly virus causing heartbreak and sickness and separating families when they need each other most, I’m grateful for my nearby friends and family. They have made us face masks, kept us stocked with produce from the Glades and mangos from their trees and are willing to help in any way they can. It’s been good to have them near.

I am grateful.

— Mary Kate Leming, Editor

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  • And we should all be grateful for Mary Kate.  Through all of this she continues to provide us with the local news we all so desperately need.  She is a talented and professional journalist.  Let’s make sure she knows how much we value her.  Support the Coastal Star!  We need it.  

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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in DELRAY BEACH
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in DELRAY BEACH
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in OCEAN RIDGE
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Mary Kate Leming posted a discussion in MANALAPAN
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