Ed Manley

He is a soldier who is in his 90"s and is a parachutist who survived WWII.  He is very friendly and alert.  Ed loves to joke and  is friendly resident of Briny Breezes.  He was a parachutist during  the war.  He kept going back every year, even in his 80's/, ng until the Army stopped the program.  He loves going to the Publix and flirting with the pretty yg cashiers.  He is in  his 90's, but very alert and talks like he is a young man.  There are not many left.  Ed is so friendly I told him that I put him on my Facebook page, he was so happy.  We  were talking more seriously after this.  I thought that  he was not he  affected from the horrible things he saw.  That funny side of Ed disappeared for a little bit and he told me about some of the horror of war.  He told me some nights when he can't 'sleep,  he goes outside and thinks about it. My husband gets his medical care at the VA Hospital, Ed goes there also, and some times we meet Ed is a good  to many.  I know that there has negative publicity, about VA problems, but the one in West Palm does a wonderful job. Everyone should visit a VA,  and see the remnants of war.  It's a very sad thing. I talk to many of the Vets and they are so grateful to tell their stories.

Ed lives on  lot  H-23, Hibiscus Drive, in section 2, in Briny Breezes. His phone is 360-870-847-8472.  With Veterans coming up in November, I think it would be a wonderful story. I think if he got this story is the paper, it would make him so happy.


Edith and David David.

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  • Edith and David - Good idea. Ed is a fascinating man. It's been several years since we wrote about him, so although we've missed the opportunity to write about him for our November edition, I'll add him to my list of people to talk to very soon. He does have an interesting story... Here is the last story we wrote about Ed a few years back:


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