By John Pacenti

Tiger Woods’ PopStroke in Delray Beach — which combines dining with putting — appears to be thriving, with crowds on the greens at the back of the restaurant visible from outside.

While it may be fun for customers, it’s not so fun for nearby residents.

The main complaint appears to be the music coming from loudspeakers — though gas-powered leaf blowers at 7 a.m. are no fun either.

“I can hear the noise inside my house,” Mitchell Revsine said at the Feb. 4 City Commission meeting. Revsine lives about a block away — and across from PopStroke at 1314 N. Federal Highway.

Revsine said PopStroke — which didn’t return a phone call seeking comment — told residents that new trees planted should block the noise of the speakers.

“The trees aren’t tall enough to block the noise,” he said. “They could solve their problem today or any day by lowering the height of the speakers and just turning down the volume to an acceptable level.”

PopStroke opens at 9 a.m. and closes at 11 p.m. or midnight — with the landscaping crews cleaning up the place shortly after sunrise.

Mayor Tom Carney acknowledged the problem, saying he thinks it’s a design issue and that PopStroke needs to put the speakers on the ground. “I live in that same neighborhood,” he said. “They turn it down for a while when they get a complaint.”

Vice Mayor Juli Casale also weighed in, saying, “I can’t imagine living there next to it and hearing the pounding all day long. So I don’t know what we can do, but if you can, we can try to do something, even if we can reach out to the business and just ask them.”

City Attorney Lynn Gelin said a solution may be an enhanced fine since the noise violation is repetitive and that she would speak to the code enforcement supervisor about it.

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