13224524060?profile=RESIZE_710x(l-r) Maureen Mann, Nikki Stelzer, Terry Fedele, Nancy Brinker and event Co-Chairwomen Khrisna Kellerman and Meryll Bangsil. Photo provided by Kelly O’Brien/Coastal Click Photography

The Junior League of Boca Raton’s 37th annual affair sold out with more than 900 attendees.

Terry Fedele, nominated by Florida Atlantic University’s Christine E. Lynn College of Nursing, earned the volunteer award while Nancy Brinker, nominated by the Promise Fund, took home the Lifetime Achievement Award.

A total of 43 women were nominated by nonprofits from across the county. ‘We were thrilled to recognize 43 outstanding volunteers and were so impressed with the award winners and all that they have accomplished,’ Junior League President Nikki Stelzer said.

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