FROM LEFT: Bernstein, Bernstein-Henderson, HomeSafe CEO Matt Ladika and Rex Kirby. Photo provided
HomeSafe cut the ribbon to a reimagined facility that will welcome 12 foster children and provide them with a therapeutic environment to work through trauma. The residential facility at 680 Ipswich St., named after Steve Bernstein and Abby Bernstein-Henderson, also will offer preventive services through the Leslie L. Alexander Center for Healthy Beginnings, a space for team members to screen, assess and provide support services to youths. ‘The sad truth is that trauma is pervasive,’ said Laura Barker, HomeSafe’s chief philanthropy officer. ‘The most common outcome of trauma is anger, and anger turned inward is sadness and shame. Turned outward, it becomes rage. Here on our campus, our children let out their anger, safely. We address it head on with loving and compassionate staff who understand our children and what they need and hold on to them even on their worst days. If you can work through their anger, we can get to the other side, which is hope.’