The Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County’s Forever Lions attended a packed event that recognized the philanthropists’ generous commitments — planned gifts or endowments of at least $100,000. Guest speaker Rachie Shnay, a renowned jewelry designer, had pieces on display and for sale. ‘These remarkable women, through their planned gifts or endowments, are not only securing the future of our Jewish community but also embodying the timeless values of tzedakah and continuity,’ said Randee Rubenstein, chairwoman of planned giving and endowments. ‘As we gathered to express our deepest gratitude, we honor not just their contributions but the indelible mark they leave on the tapestry of Jewish life.’ ABOVE: Forever Lions (l-r, in front) Michelle Merson, Suzanne Grant, Susie Sheftel, Karen Press; (in back) Daryl Mogil, Joanne Applebaum, Suzanne Hochberg, Susan Cohen, Susan Gringauz, Jennifer Koenig and Cathy Baer Haubenstock. Photo provided
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