By Angie Francalancia
Boynton Beach’s Community Redevelopment Agency is no closer than it was two months ago to razing the old building at Boynton Marina after county commissioners insisted on a 30-day delay to try to accommodate the building’s former tenant, Splashdown Divers.
    Boynton’s leaders believe their plans to convert the existing building location to green space and construct a new, smaller building to house only a dock master, public restrooms and a changing area are solid. And they’ll show the county their proof when they get the issue back on a county agenda perhaps in late March.
    “We answered all of their questions, but that didn’t seem to matter,” CRA Executive Director Vivian Brooks told the CRA.
    The CRA directed its attorney to work with the county attorney to explain the legal constraints already in place — an agreement with adjacent Marina Village that prevents them from constructing retail, and a settlement agreement with the owner of Splashdown, who city officials say orchestrated the delay.
    Splashdown Divers owner Lynn Simmons and several of her customers told county commissioners they should stop Boynton from tearing down the old building and “kicking her out.” Boynton Beach needs permission from the county because the city bought the marina with money from a 2004 countywide bond referendum that prevents material changes to the marina without county approval.
    The CRA had determined that the 1940s-era building doesn’t meet setback requirements, isn’t historic and would cost more than $350,000 to meet today’s building codes. Boynton got the building — along with Splashdown Divers — when it purchased the marina.
    Simmons, who had sued Boynton Beach, insisting on a long-term lease, had signed a settlement late last year that gave her $39,000, including money to finish out a new retail space. She has vacated the building and moved into retail space across East Ocean Avenue in Ocean Plaza.
    Boynton commissioners suggested at their Feb. 14 CRA meeting that they should hold back paying her the money until the issue is settled, but ultimately agreed to honor the city’s commitment.            

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