State Rep. Mike Caruso easily won re-election to his District 89 seat, buoyed by in-person votes both early and on Election Day.
The final margin was 56% for the incumbent Republican to 44% for Democrat Jim Bonfiglio.
Bonfiglio outpaced Caruso in the vote by mail, 29,034 to 21,601.
But Caruso was the early voters' choice, 20,918 to 11,312, and the Election Day favorite, 13,480 to 4,354.
The outcome was vastly different from their first race in 2018 which included an automatic voting machine recount, a state-required recount by hand and a lawsuit by Bonfiglio to have the result tallied before the governor's contest was counted. Caruso won by a mere 32 votes out of 78,474 cast.
This year's unofficial ballot total was 100,699 as of early morning Nov. 4 and Caruso enjoyed an 11,299 cushion.
District 89 runs from Boca Raton north along the barrier island to Singer Island.