When Uptown Delray, the Strand, Atlantic Crossing, SofA I & II, SofA Offices & Lofts and Depot Square apartments are occupied, Safety as Floridians Expect estimates that there will be 448 more bicycles and more than 2,000 new downtown residents bicyc
Read more…In the remote chance that the Town of Ocean Ridge is exposed to an aerosolized airborne anthrax attack, volunteers will be needed to distribute antibiotics.
Ocean Ridge has signed an agreement with the Palm Beach County Department of Health who will p
I am a homesteaded resident of Ocean Ridge living on Old Ocean Boulevard. In the summer I live in the resort community of Ogunquit, Maine. On an average weekend in our 10-week summer season, 60,000 people come to town to enjoy the baby-powder-san
Read more…Congratulations to both James Bonfiglio and Richard Lucibella, my esteemed opponents in the March 11 election for town commissioner of Ocean Ridge.
I wish the entire commission success and amenable achievement in issues brought forth for consideratio