Welcome to hurricane season. If you’re new to the area you may have recently encountered your first flooded roadways, rising groundwater and canceled windstorm insurance. Add to that mix La Niña holding in the Pacific, a slowed Gulf Stream, a w
What is wrong with the Delray Beach commissioners? They have as a whole completely ruined the award-winning small town of Delray Beach. It has been ruined and they are all to blame. With their approved overdevelopment, the city has, in a mere coup
This month’s Coastal Star mailbag included one letter with a photo and a question for readers: Do you know these flashy dressers? Coastal Star reader Mary Wollney of Lantana sent in this photograph, which she took sometime between 2008 and 2011, of th
About 15 years ago, my wife and I fell in love with Delray Beach and purchased a condo nearby, which my family enjoys so much. Unfortunately, the ongoing development projects are destroying what was once a wonderful respite from busy city life. You
I can’t remember how I learned to swim. I’d like to think I gripped my mother’s hands with my pudgy baby fingers as she bounced me up and down in the water of some muddy, Midwestern lake until I was floating — still grasping one finger until I let g
The purchase of 9 acres of mangrove natural area for the town of Ocean Ridge is one of those decisions where I saw a whole town come together and show what living in this paradise really means. It is probably a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for our
On Monday, April 4, the Ocean Ridge Town Commission will vote on the town’s purchase of an undeveloped wetland parcel adjoining the Intracoastal Waterway. The price tag is $2 million. The stated reason for the purchase is to a create a nature preser
It’s not that I’m slowing down or losing interest. There are no urgent responsibilities that must be addressed. My health is good. But like the dropping barometer before a storm, there’s an ever-present pressure nagging at me to slow down, urging me
Goodwill has long been the bedrock of our community newspaper. Yes, we provide news, information and entertainment for our readers, but our foundation is based on the goodwill we receive from the businesses and residents in our coastal communities.
Delray Beach is in a dire state of overcrowding and developers are in denial by ignoring its severity. To borrow from the movie Don’t Look Up, why not “Look Around!” What do you see? There are buildings under construction now, at peak season, ca
It’s very simple. Andrews Avenue in Delray Beach is (together with its side streets) no longer a safe thoroughfare for anyone, due to overcrowded beach access and insufficient recreational parking zones. Safety is a No. 1 priority regarding traf
Posted by Dianna Rose on March 26, 2010 at 3:42am
Correcting mistakes while writing an essay can helps audience to realize worth of essay paper written by you.
Several mistakes in essay writing are easier to ignore. You might not notice these errors
“Hoping you’ll find comfort in the memories that are yours to cherish always, and strength in the companionship of those who share your loss,” wrote Coastal Star reporter Rich Pollack to me following my mother’s death in 2007. The handwritten no
The drama at the Delray Beach commission meeting was expected to come from an audit report on the Old School Square Center for the Arts. But another number came up — deeply disturbing and having nothing to do with the beloved and troubled nonprofit.
By Maria Pittman
Do you commence with a story?
Do you begin with a reflection on the focus of your forthcoming graduate studies?
Do you start at the beginning? And where exactly is that?
If you want your graduate essay to grab the attention of th
As a resident of Boynton Beach, and working in Delray Beach, my daily commute takes me either, under (via I-95) or over the I-95 overpass by Bethesda Hospital East, on SW 23rd Ave / Golf Road.
With growing frequency, there are crowds gathering on top